General Surgery

Gallstones    •    Hernia    •    Skin lesions

General Surgery Problems

In addition to attending to patients with endocrine surgical problems, Professor Gundara is also well trained in management of more common general surgical issues. Surgical pathology of the gallbladder, hernia, skins lesions and related lumps and bumps are typical examples.

Gallstones are a common problem in the community but thankfully, only a minority of patients with them will ever become...
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Gallbladder polyps and Biliary Dyskinesia
Gallbladder polyps aren’t particularly common but can be identified on imaging and often cause diagnostic doubt. If large or atypical...
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Gallbladder Surgery
Given the myriad of problems associated with gallstones and the gallbladder in general, it is no surprise that removal of...
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Hernias are a common general surgical problem that impact on a large proportion of the population. Debilitating pain, related immobility and sometimes disfiguring lumps and bumps can be distressing. Professor Gundara’s time as an anatomy demonstrator assisted in development of a deep understating of surgical anatomy. This is of the utmost importance when it comes to management of abdominal wall hernia.

Groin Hernia
Groin hernia (inguinal and/or femoral) are again a relatively common complaint. As always, it is important that your surgeon listens...
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Umbilical Hernia
True umbilical hernias are more common than you may think and are a direct result of embryological development. Many true...
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Incisional Hernia
Incisional hernias are an unfortunate outcome of surgery for all sorts of different reasons. Like each individual patient, no two...
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Hernia Surgery
Surgery for correction of a hernia needs to be considered carefully. The indications for the operation need to be appropriate,...
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Surgical Mesh
Many patients are concerned about the use of surgical mesh during their hernia surgery. This is an appropriate concern but...
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Skin lesions

Simple excision of concerning skin lesions/cancers/lumps and bumps are all within the scope of Professor Gundara’s practice. Simple plastic surgical techniques may occasionally be required to achieve appropriate wound healing or optimal cosmesis. Professor Gundara will discuss this with you prior to any surgery that may be required to address the problem.